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Showing posts with the label finding rocks

Goliath's in Mass.

   Here's a useful link for those living in Cheshire, Mass. best of luck to anyone out there/already on it.

The Quest for First Ascents.

  ...."i'm that guy who finds rocks". For those who don't know, the quote above is from Dave Graham, one of the best boulderers of all time, and prolific First Ascensionist. Mr. Graham has had a vast wilderness at his disposal to explore and the talent to take on any "rig" that stands before him. Hence leaving in his wake many fine boulders and test pieces for the rest of us to attempt or just think about. Like others before him, the lure of F.A.'s is all part of the game for top end boulderers but attraction to new rocks, new in the sense that they are untouched, runs deep in many of us.  For the Pros the F.A. lure is still passion based but also has incentives, being on top is one aspect as is publicity, leading to their continued life as Sponsored Pro. For the rest of us, lucky enough to stumble upon or have the time to search actively for rock, the lure is cemented in the passion area, and the need for something new, the chance to test ourselves. The...