We have here a list of the top 6 fingerboards, or hangboards if you prefer. Hangboard training is something we know a bit about and regularly train on fingerboards, hence, we are in a good place to guide you. Most Bloggers play it safe here and offer up the usual suspects, (who give them free stuff) but, they are missing the shizzle and duping you. For sure there are several names missing, you might think, but in reality these missing names are mostly copycats, after all, three edges on a piece of wood is just that really, I mean how many brands do we need making the same thing? So in this regard Lattice came out on top because of the training back up and the development they put in. Roots-Climbing drops into second place because their board is the most developed of this type - meaning they offer more than 3 edges - there is actually a lot of good things about this board. It's fair to say that having just one fingerboard isn't enough, there are many reasons for this statement.....